For investors
New way to Success
ServiceEnergoGroup is an experienced company capable of handling projects from obtaining special permit for subsurface use, to launch of field industrial development, offers to investors joint development of defined perspective fields on mutual basis.
The company experts propose perspective area for common activities and prepare required documents in order to receive special permit, namely:
- permit from state and local authority;
- report on mining and geological, hydro and geological conditions of the field;
- field geological studies works schedule specifying type of performed works, volume and costs as well as the timing work schedule;
- report justifying reconnaissance work on the field;
- data concerning effective exploration and predicted economic performance;
- geographic coordinates (index map, location plan, catalogue of geographic coordinates, geographic chart and geographic cross section).
If you already defined the area (field) that might be the subject for further industrial development, you are in position to order its evaluation. Having conducted required evaluation the experts will provide assessments on perspectives of geological reconnaissance of the given field.
Today along with hydrocarbon reserves and well production the significant emphasis is laid to the infrastructure, namely distant location of extraction site from the pipeline and roads. It is not a rare case when a perspective,from the first sight, field could not be developed due to a set of subjective reasons, for instance: location of residential facilities in buffer zone, storage of hydrocarbons in water conservation area, on the territory of reserve or sanctuary, etc.
Hence, it is vitally significant to conduct feasibility study of all such aspects by the experts who will not cover any risks or constraints.
Company staff designs the documents required for participation in auctions on acquiring special permit on field development. In addition, it is not only important to acquire the permit, but also to retain possession of it. Currently there are a lot of reasons for stripping the owner from such permits or further permit cancellation. The staff of the company provided legal consultations in terms of meeting all requirements on special permits acquisition in order not to have these permits cancelled.